On 14th December 2020 a solar eclipse
is going to take place. It will have huge effects on people globally, and below are some revelations and predictions. In personal life, what steps we should take to mitigate the effects. Prediction by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant.
Below I have stated what the effect will be on each zodiac with remedies for each zodiac
For Aries, the eclipse occurs in 8th house. This is a time of sudden changes. Scandals can get revealed. Be alert, there can be health issues. You can have accidents, ailments related to navel, and get hurt in the legs. Your spouse’s income may be affected. Be patient and calm. Do not take any rash decisions.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant.
- Meditation and Hanuman ji puja.
For Taurians, the eclipse occurs in the 7th house. It is an access of 7 and 1. If you are in any kind of relationship, there may be a sudden transformation. If you are in a business partnership, there may be sudden changes. Your wife may fall ill. Keep a check on your words. Do not take important decisions.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Devi Puja regularly
For Gemini’s, the eclipse occurs in the 6th house. There will be an access of 6 and 12. Your sign’s lord is Mercury is involved in the eclipse. It is in a planetary war with Ketu. Be alert. Health issues will arise. Enemies will increase. Keep a check on your words, or you may face litigation. Do not take any loans right now. After 17th, take such decisions. Do not overspend.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Vishnu Puja regularly
For Cancerians the eclipse occurs in the 5th house. The Moon is the lord of your sign. The moon is involved in the eclipse. You have to take care of your emotions during the eclipse. Do not get over-excited or depressed. Do not work on wild ideas. Moreover, abstain from taking investments decisions. Concentrate on kids. You can start donations, meditation, new courses, and keep balance in every sphere.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Shivji Puja regularly
For Leos, the eclipse is in the 4th house. Its an access of 4 and 10. In 6th house, Mercury and Saturn is residing. In 10th house, Rahu is there. You have to maintain balance between work and family. You may be feeling sad, because of your actions. Do not take rash decisions. Your planet is going into eclipse, the Sun. You should not give priority to your ego.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- You should do Bhagwan Ram Puja.
For Virgo’s , your sign’s lord Mercury is involved in the eclipse. The eclipse occurs in the 3rd house. Communications, siblings, sub-conscious mind may get affected. Concentrate on verbal and written communication. If you are in media, then take care to research before presenting it. Keep relations regarding siblings and neighbours, in control. Take care of the health of younger siblings.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- You can do Ganesh ji’s Puja
For Librans, the eclipse occurs in 2nd house and in 8th house, opposite it, Rahu is there. Your food, relations, your speech, your finances, are important and you have to pay attention. Take care of your communications. You may face scandals. Eat cautiously, and eat Sattvic food.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Lord Narsimha puja.
For Scorpians, in your ascendant and sign, five planets are residing right now. Take care of your self-image right now, and bring about a transformation. Be cautious about it. Do not be biased or take impulsive decisions. Rahu is in 7th house. Take care of your wife’s health.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Hanumanji’s puja.
For Sagittarians, the eclipse occurs in 12th house. It is an access of 12 and 6. In your 2nd house, Jupiter and Saturn is residing right now. And, Mars is in 4th house. You will face property related disputes. If you have inherited something, there will be disputes. But, do not take impulsive action. You should take care of your health. Don’t do unnecessary purchases. If you are communicating with foreigners, be cautious.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- The remedy is to help the poor and sick. Make donations of money or grains to NGOs.
For Capricorn, the eclipse occurs in the 11th house. Your profits may be hit.Take caution while dealing in finances.This is applicable to all zodiacs. The eclipse is in Scorpio, whose planet Mars is in Pisces right now. It will move to Aries after 24th December. Wait for 10 days before taking any important decisions. It is not the right time to take financial decisions. Take care of relations with elder siblings and friends. Do not enter into speculations. Take care of your kid’s health.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do Lord Vishnu puja.
For Aquarians, the eclipse occurs in the 10th house. There will be work-related changes. You have to wait till 24th December, before taking any decisions. Take care of your relations. Do not take rash decisions. Be patient. Work and family balance is important. Do not change places.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- You can do Abhishek or Shiv Puja as remedy.
For Piscians, the eclipse occurs in the 9th house. You have to calculate and take decisions. Do not take rash decisions. You may be able to connect with foreigners. Be alert about your father’s health. Take blessings of your elders.
Remedy by Famous Fortune Teller and Clairvoyant
- Do guru mantra jaap everyday
Dr. Taara Malhotra is an Energy Healer, Spiritualist, Clairvoyant and Psychic Soul. World renowned celebrity fortune teller in India.
She gives her practical experience with her detailed notes to teach Numerology. Few of her students are already practicing Numerology at professional level across the Globe. She has her centre in Gurgaon and conducts online classes too