Best Numerologist in India WorldHoli Predictions

March 27, 2021by admin0


Holi Predictions and Remedies 2021 by Dr. Taara Malhotra


Holi marks the closing of the winter season. According to the Hindu calendar, Holi is celebrated on the last full moon day or Purnima of the month of Falgun. It falls in the month of February-March according to the English calendar. By Best Numerologist in India World .


Best Numerologist in India World


Holi 2021: Purnima Tithi

On the day of Holika Dahan, Purnima Tithi begins at 03:27 am on Mar 28, 2021, and ends at 12:17 am on Mar 29, 2021.




For Aries this Holi, will bring a lot of changes in their career, in the job and financial conditions but as far relationships are concerned they will have to put a lot of efforts for relationship otherwise there can be some issues in the relationship in the coming months.



  • On the day of Holi, they have to take orange (Gulal) color, one moti shankh, a silver coin, a little bit of Kesar(saffron) wrap all in a red cloth and tie it with red thread and keep it in the cash box, to overcome all the financial hurdles or obstacles


  • If they actually want to attract a new job they can do a very simple remedy as it full moon they have to take a lemon and cut into 4 pieces and exactly between 11- 12 pm they have to go on a cross road and then rotate anti clock wise 7 times around their head and throw it in all the four directions and come back home so any of the obstacles in the career they can easily overcome that.

Best Numerologist in India World | Famous Numerologist in Gurgaon | Name Correction | Mobile Correction | Signature By Dr. Taara Malhotra

Lucky Color

Red, orange





For Taurians in India & United States , Holi will bring a lot of changes in their lives, wishes will come true and concerns will fade away. There is a change in the love life, new relationship will come your way which will be very trustworthy, compassionate, respected. You have to open your heart and mind to those around you. Trustworthy and healthy relationships are on the way for Taurians. Time to follow your dreams, there will be unexpected opportunities coming your way. You have to do some charity work and at the same time you have to balance your finances also.  There can be some conflict with others in the work place.



  • You have to take 2 gomti chakra, camphor and roll it on your body 7 times & throw it in the Holy fire or in the running water.


  • For business or career, in the morning take pink gulls ( color) , 1 moti shanq , white sandalwood powder, 1 silver tortoise, you have to wrap all that in white silk cloth, tie it up with red thread and keep it in cash box, this will ensure that you will have unlimited abundance throughout the year


Lucky color

Blue and white.




For Gemini’s in America & India events are moving at very fast phase, delays will get over and many things will happen at the same time, there is victory and good news, public recognition, awards and rewards. There is complete balance of energies and channelizing at the right direction. You have to protect that you have created, and you should have the courage & you have to believe in yourself. There is abundance and things will start looking good after Holi for all Geminians, all that you must have patience and you can make long term plans also.



  • You have to take green lentil, jaggery, alum, 7 gomti chakra and camphor, you will take all that in your hand rotate it 7 times anti clock wise and put it in Holy fire or the running water.
  • For business, job and career, in the morning on the day of Holi , you will take green color or gulal, add 1 moti shankh, 6 pieces of green cardamom,1 silver coin and nag Kesar and you will put all of them in green cloth, tie up with the red thread and keep chanting SHREEM MANTRA while keeping it in the cash box, all these will help in attracting the business and career throughout the year for Gemini’s.


Lucky color

Green and yellow.





For Cancerians here & abroad you have to be very careful with money. There will be important business decisions and you have to help people in need. So Cancerians, on the day of Holi, they must do some charity to help people. Evens will occur at the great speed so you have to be conscious and take time carefully to review your options . Be creative & take intelligent advice. You will be very energetic and enjoy the life’s little luxury, Cancerians should spend some time alone with the nature and if you are in your own business then there is good news about the financial matters you can even expand your business and you can even develop a new area of study after Holi. In terms of relationship, Cancerians will move forward and take steps in relationship to improve their relationship and people who want to get married across India and United States, there can be temporarily pause & unnecessary worry in the relationship but there is need to balance and wait for the perfect timings.



  • Take a little bit of rice, white sandalwood powder, camphor and 7 gomti chakar , you have to take all this in your hand , rotate anti clock wise7 times and put it in the Holy fire or in the running water.


  • On the day of Holi in morning, take red or pink gulal(color), add akshat , some Kesar(saffron) , 1 moti shankh, 3 pieces of green cardamom wrap it all in white cloth and tie up with red thread and keep it in cash box, chanting the mantra SHREEM , this will help bringing the abundance throughout the year.


Lucky Colors

White and yellow



For all the Leo those who are living in India and United States this Holi will be very very auspicious and lucky for you because the kind of planetary transits that are happening will bring the good luck for all of you, So for the entire year Leo’s there will be a shift in the relationships and new relationships can also enter their life.




  • They have to take red color(gulal) , small quantity of jaggery, a red thread, camphor, 7 Gomti chakra & kumkum, rotate anti-clock wise on the day of Holi and throw it either running water, or put in Holy fire . This will help clear out all the negative energy that Leo’s have been feeling..


  • If you want to be successful in your job, career or business take red gulal, 1 moti shankh, 1 copper coin, kumkum, 7 pieces of green cardamom and wrap all of this in red cloth and tie it  with red thread and keep it in your locker for rest of the year, while keeping it  you have chant SHREEM MANTRA 101 times and you will see that you will be attracting positivity, good luck , good finance throughout the year.

Best Numerologist in India World | Famous Numerologist in Gurgaon | Name Correction | Mobile Correction | Signature By Dr. Taara Malhotra

Lucky color

Red & orange



For Virgo’s, around Holi for both the natives of India and United States, there is too much going on during this time, they have to make decision, they have to consider very creative approach, they can go for partnerships or they can even look for projects where there is group work, if they work individually  they will have to face lot of competition, there is travelling also on the cards which will be fruitful and will give them very good profits . good times in terms of relationship also, so for the Virgo they will have recovering time & end of difficult situations.




  • At night take black sesame seeds, white sesame seeds, jaggery, a red thread or a mauli , a piece of camphor take all this in their hand & rotate it in anti-clock wise 7 times around the head and put it in the Holy fire or in the running water


  • To attract more business, job or career in the morning of Holi they will take pink or green gulal(color), 7 gomti chakars, 1 moti shankh, 1 silver coin and nag Kesar, put all of this in silk pink or green color cloth wrap it up and tie with red thread and keep it in the cash box for them to attract money, business and opportunities throughout the year.


Lucky Color

Brown and green.



LIBRAIANS this Holi will bring a lot of spiritual transformation people residing in India and US, both will feel that it is the time when a situation or a difficult situation or the phase will end in their life, a time where you have to move on in your lives.  Also there will be complex decision for Librans to be made this year around Holi so they have to research and find out what is the best way they can move towards enlightenment and on the right part. Some old relationships will heal and reunions on the cards with partner.



  • Take a piece of camphor, 7 Gomti chakra, white sesame seeds ,Sugar , take all of it in their hand, rotate anti clockwise 7 times & put in the Holy fire  at the time of Holika dahan or they can even put in running water.


  • For business, career and job remedy, take 1 moti shankh(Conch shell), take silver or white color (gulal), if you don’t find the silver or white gulal, you can use the white sandalwood powder, add a copper coin to it & a metal Shree yantra put everything in a pink cloth, tie it with a red thread and keep it in your cash box, this will help in attracting business, new opportunity and career also in coming year for all Liberians.


Lucky colors

White and blue.




Scorpions around Holi will have the favourable time in terms of the jobs, career and relationship, it is the time to take rest and vacation and allow some more time before they take any important decision in relationship. For work they will have the brilliant ideas, and inspirations and they will see the truth of the situations, they will have to have objective decision making, clearing whatever is no longer need in their lives so they have to focus and communicate the vision to be a leader. You can always take advise from somebody who is already there in your field. In terms of career and finances there will be success but at the same time focus is needed.



  • You will take yellow lentil, white seasame seeds , camphor, Turmeric & jaggery take it in your hand move it anti- clock wise 7 times and throw it in the Holy fire or in the running water or river.


  • On the day of Holi in the morning as the remedy for job, business and career take it blue silk cloth, put 1 copper coin, 12 almonds, 3 cloves and 1 moti shankh, wrap it up in the cloth tie up with the red thread and keep it in your cash box, this will ensure that you will have the money throughout the year.


Lucky colors

Yellow and blue.



Sagittarians good news for you is that gifts of money, efforts and time you will receive from your loved ones . Also  money coming from your projects that you have been doing in your work or business. There will be new career opportunities and you can also receive loans if you are need of money, and money will flow abundantly to you so that you can pay off your debts but at the same time you have to forgive yourself and it is the time for you to heal. You may fall in love with your partner and there will be wedding proposal for most of the Sagittarians in India and United States. There is need to balance your emotions and listen to your intuitions, have patience and consider carefully and then you make decisions. It is time to make loved ones happy who are around you and take a sensible approach, there can be some challenges in your work and career in the coming timings.



  • Take Kesar( saffron), 1 piece of camphor, sunflower seeds, 7 Gomti chakra, take it in your hand- rotate in anti-clock wise 7 times and put in the Holy fire or in running water.


  • For people who want success in the career, job or business or you want to attract the abundance take yellow gulal (color) add raw turmeric to it, rice, 1 moti shankh and 1 silver coin wrap it in yellow cloth and keep it in your cash box while chanting SHREEM mantra this will ensure that you will have the unlimited supply of money throughout the year.


Lucky Color

Yellow or Orange



Capricorns will have victory in around Holi and they will have the good news, promotions, appraisals, they will get name and frame in their work and events will occur at the great speed. They have to take time to carefully review the options then take the creative solutions, there can be some complex decisions also but they don’t have to worry because they are significant life events that are unfolding. For all the Capricorns in India and United States there will be the powerful revelations leading to changes and they can spread their wings for the work they are doing. There will be the job contentment, joy, happiness and gratitude and relationship will also move towards new level of commitment.



  • Take 7 basil leaves, 7 cloves, 7 camphor pieces and red sandalwood powder with some mustard seeds take it in your hand move anti clock wise 7 times and throw  it in the Holy fire or in the running water.


  • To attract more money in job, business and career take the yellow color (Gulal), 1 moti shankh, 1 silver coin and Kesar wrap it in yellow cloth tie with red thread and keep it in your cash box for unlimited flow of abundance throughout the year.


Lucky Color

Yellow or white



Aquarian’s during Holi you have to be very careful as if there is too much work for you, you have to accept help from others even if it is about relationship, there can be certain things which can stress you and lead to health concerns, so you have to take time to heal forgive yourself and forgive others because there is too much going on at once in your life, be it relationship, career or business. You have to make a decision and try to be as creative as you can, be content and peaceful with whatever you have because a success completion of things will surely take place after Holi in coming times, so you listen to your intuition, have patience and consider carefully before taking a step, happy times will surely come and you have to be positive optimistic .




  • Take 1 piece of alum (Fitkiri) , 1 camphor, white sesame seeds , 7 fox nuts and 3 cloves hold it in your hand and move it anti-clock wise 7 times, put it in Holy fire or in running water.


  • In the morning, to attract good business, money or career you will take the blue silk cloth, blue color (gulal), white sandalwood powder, one silver coin, 1 five mukhi rudraksh wrap all of them in blue silk cloth, tie up with the red thread and keep it in your cash box for you to have unlimited opportunities and abundance throughout the year.

Best Numerologist in India World | Famous Numerologist in Gurgaon | Name Correction | Mobile Correction | Signature By Dr. Taara Malhotra

Lucky color

Blue, silver and grey.




For Piscesians, after Holi it will be very good time as they will have exciting news of whatever they want to do in work & career..Also there will be end of phases or situation have been troubling them, but also they will have memory from childhood or people from their childhood whom they will meet and they will have the romantic relationships. There are positive and optimistic times, long term planning is coming for them and in the current relationships they have to move on because it is the time when they should shed off relationships which are troubling them and move to a new beginning. They have to focus, focus and focus to on the work to be a leader; they can also take advice from people who are senior to them.



  • On the day of Holi, take 1 camphor, green lentil, 1 copper coin, jaggery they will hold everything in their hand – roll on their body 7 times and throw it on running water or Holy fire.


  • To attract money in their job, business or career, take a green silk cloth, green gulal, 1 moti shankh, 7 green cardamom, 1 piece of pyrite, 1 big piece of Cinnamon, some rice, they will roll everything in green silk cloth tie it with red thread & keep it in the cash box for unlimited abundance in the coming months.


Lucky colors

Aqua Blue or green



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Best Numerologist in India World | Famous Numerologist in Gurgaon | Name Correction | Mobile Correction | Signature By Dr. Taara Malhotra

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